“I didn’t realise that they can fly,” I said to my mum.  It is twenty fifty now and there are flying cars. How do they get here?  When did they get here?  I want one you must be saying.  a wise man said we should get flying cars. So he started to build many people like him now since his great invention. The city has been a much better place. I am not aloud one yet because I am to young. My parents have flying to. So when are are at this stage you should get a flying car for shore.

the unknown statue

The unknown statue


“Stop” I said to mum as she drives past a unknown statue. So we hop out of the car and take a closer look. “I said” to myself how did it get here when did it get here. So many questions what even is this thing. I think to myself have is seen this before NO NO I haven’t. I think it has been here for a long time. What is this it is long and tall. I say to my mum do you know what it is. I will come back one day I say nicely.